What is ABATA?
ABATA is an English Speaking Moslem Kindergarten
I live miles away from Kayu Putih area. Does ABATA have any branch?
Unfortunately, no. We currently only have ONE location. We’re not affiliated with any school, including those with similar names.
I’m not sure whether my kid is doing well or not in the class. Is there any trial class?
Sure. The trial class is available every day, but you’re required to contact us first to set the schedule. However, there’s a fee of IDR 100.000,- (one hundred thousand Indonesian Rupiah) for every trial class that your child attends. You are allowed a maximum of three times to send your child to a trial class.
Err…. 18 million Rupiah is a lot of cash. Does ABATA provide any installment?
Certainly. We do understand the situation. However, there’s a down payment of 12 (twelve) million Rupiah. Then, the rest of the admission fee can be paid in the next 6 (six) the following months.
I have shelled out my hard-earned money for the admission fee. Is there any other fee that I should pay?
ABATA provides a variety of activities to support and enrich the study of your child(ren). We’re extremely sure that these activities have a lot of benefits for the students. Unfortunately, such activities as Field Trip, Visit Store, Year-End Performance, etc. require you to pay an extra fee. The amount of fee will be determined according to the situation in which the activity is held (time, venue, transportation, facility, etc.). We thank you to understand this matter.
We’re working parents with demanding day jobs. Does ABATA provide pick-up and drop-in service?
Yes, we do. Lay your worry down to rest. We have a dedicated private automobile for pick-up and/or drop-in service for students. A teacher will be assigned to look after the kids on every trip. We’ll make sure that the students are transported from-and-to home safe and sound. However, the coverage area for this service is currently limited. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more detailed info about this matter.
Given the situation, I have nobody to look after my kid at home. Does ABATA have a daycare service?
We’re really sorry to inform you that such service is currently unavailable.
Ok. The extra fee for activities is fine for me. But, is there any recurring fee for every academic year?
Thank you, Sir and Mam. We’re happy to inform you that the admission fee and the monthly school fee are the only fees that you are required to pay (other than the fee for supporting activities explained in the previous question) from the moment you enroll your kid until she/he proudly stands on the stage in his/her graduation attire and handed over the certificate.
I might consider enrolling a younger sibling in the coming years. Will there be a rise in the admission fee?
Thank you for your trust and loyalty, Sir and Mam. We regretfully to inform you that it is our policy to raise the admission fee every academic year. A five to ten percent increase will be applied to the current admission fee for the following academic year. We highly appreciate your cooperation.